Best Animation Courses After 12th

Animation Courses in India

In the last twenty or thirty years, only doctors and engineers were considered to be worthy and desirable professions and career choices in India. However, as we now live in the age of technology, digitalization and globalization, a lot of things have changed. Today, we have other options like animation, which proved to be more than a lucrative and fruitful profession for many people. When talking about the animation industry in India, you will be glad to hear that it has had an astounding development – around 22 % in the last couple of years only. What is more, it still continues to grow and develop. Because of that, there are now many professional animators in India today. Thus, if you are interested in some of the best animation courses and fields in India, or you just want to learn something more about this field, keep on reading.

What Are The Fields You Can Specialize in Animation?

When you take animation courses, you will have to specialize in a certain field. Some courses last a couple of years and some a couple of months only. It all depends on the one you choose. Thus, here are some common and rather popular animation fields in India you can choose from:

1. Animation in web designing
2. VFX Animation
3. Gaming Animation
4. 2D Animation
5. 3D Animation
6. Motion Graphics
7. Stop Motion Animation

What Animation Courses Should You Take?

Studying animation means that you will be training for a professional future in industries such as marketing or fine art. So, you will have the freedom of choosing your own classes, and develop your portfolio accordingly throughout the course.
